Region Advisor FAQ

  1. Can an applicant apply for more than one region?
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  2. What involvement does the Region Advisor have in club officer training?
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  3. Is a Region Advisor allowed to campaign on behalf of an International Officer or Director?
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  4. When is a Region Advisor allowed to announce their candidacy for International Officer or Director?
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  5. Can a Region Advisor be on a nominating committee?
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  6. Can Region Advisors help Districts complete the District Success Plan (DSP)?
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  7. What is the deadline for submitting an application?
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  8. Is the application available in Word format?
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  9. How are Region Advisors involved in training?
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  10. What is the difference in job scope between the positions of Region Advisor and International Director?
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  11. Who do Region Advisors report to?
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  12. When do Region Advisors visit Districts?
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  13. Can Region Advisors visit Districts before the official program year begins on July 1?
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  14. Can a Region Advisor make an unofficial visit to a District or club?
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